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2022/12/2 13:31:27发布52次查看
µts_显微镜/扫描电镜原位加载系统 产品详情
“meso is the new nano.” - prof.peter hosemann, uc berkeley
µts – meso scale under microscope universal load frame
psylotech’s µts is a miniature universal material test system uniquely capable on length scales between nano-indenters and macro universal load frames. non-contact, local strain measurement on these so-called meso length scales comes from digital image correlation (dic) and microscopy.
技术说明 technology
• 长度:尽管光学显微镜具有景深限制,μts系统可通过有效的约束试件加载过程中的离面运动,来保证高放大倍率下的数字图像相关性分析。
• 速度:高精度执行器直接驱动滚珠丝杠,使速度可调范围跨越了9个数量级。 既可在高速实现有效的负载控制,也可用于速率相关研究以及蠕变或应力松弛试验。
• 力:专有的超高分辨率传感器技术,相比应变计,分辨率提高了100倍。
the µts uniquely accommodates multiple scales in length, speed and force.
• length: constraining out-of-plane motion, the µts enables effective high magnification digital image correlation, despite depth-of-field limitations in the optical microscopes.
• speed: the direct-drive ballscrew actuator enables speeds covering 9 orders of magnitude. high speed enables effective load control, rate dependent studies and creep or stress relaxation tests.
• force: proprietary ultra high resolution sensor technology provides 100x higher resolution compared to strain gaged alternatives.
即刻下载并查阅µts产品彩页 download µts brochure (2018.09.06更新版).
夹具 grips
作为通用测试系统,μts为不同类型的夹具配备了t型槽接口。 三角形/平面界面几何形状确保精确的旋转对齐。可用的标准夹具包括拉伸、压缩、梁弯曲和混合模式arcan。 并可根据您的特定需求设计定制夹具。
as a universal test system, the µts implements a t-slot interface for different kinds of grips. the triangle/flat interface geometry ensures accurate rotational alignment. available standard grips include tension, compression, beam bending and mixed-mode arcan. ask us how custom grips can be designed for your specific needs.
在其顶部和底部表面上夹紧试件可能导致在加载期间的离面运动。 环绕拉伸夹具可将样品保持在垂直于观察平面的表面上,并且有效地将样品保持在平面内。 另外一个好处是,样品可以非常快速地安装在环绕式夹具中。
clamping a specimen on its top and bottom surfaces can lead to out of plane motion during loading. the wrap around tension grips hold the sample on surfaces perpendicular to the observation plane and have been effective in keeping the specimen in plane. as an added benefit, specimens can be very quickly mounted in the wrap around grips. 夹钳拉伸有些材料,如薄膜或短切纤维复合材料,不适用于环绕式夹具夹持。 在这些情况下可以使用夹钳夹具。 并可通过垂直向的微螺纹调整以补偿离面向的运动。 此外,单个夹紧螺钉可避免不对称的夹紧扭矩。
some materials, like film or chopped fiber composites, are not conducive to the wrap-around grip geometry. clamping grips can be used in these cases. a vertical micrometer screw adjustment can compensate causes out of plane motion. also, a single clamping screw eliminates asymmetric clamping torque.
the arcan grip geometry enables mixed-mode loading from a uniaxial load frame. rotating the grips controls the ratio of pure shear to pure axial strain. this technique takes full advantage of local strain measurement via digital image correlation. compression
the compression platens implement a lightly sprung shelf to hold the sample before load is applied. under load, the light spring easily deforms as the specimen expands
beam bending
three and four point bending fixtures are available. all but one contact point is on a hardened steel roller. the fixed contact point prevents translation, which can give false compliance readings when using compliance to monitor crack growth. both 3- and 4-point fixtures implement the same lightly sprung shelf as the compression platens.
可选配置 optional
the modularity of the µts is as flexible as it is powerful. below are some of the easily configured options.
low force load cell: 100n version of the 1.6 kn load cell provides finer force resolution. ask us about force resolution down to 100 nano newtons.
increased speed:a higher pitch ball-screw, increased motor stack, or higher input voltage can produce speeds up to 250 mm/sec, up from the 80 mm/sec of the stock system.
extended stoke:the 40mm stock instrument stroke can be extended substantially, depending on experimental need.
environmental chamber:temperatures between -100c and 200c can be controlled via the optional environmental chamber. higher temperatures are also available. low temperatures require liquid nitrogen.
sem:the µts can be vacuum hardened for use in scanning electron microscopes. please note, rastering time as well as spacial and temporal drift complicate dic with sem images. optical microscopy does not have these limitations.
centering x-stage:a secondary positioning stage keeps any specimen inside the microscope field of view, regardless of the amount of deformation.
samplified displacement sensor:as a cost saving measure, the rotary encoder and ball screw pitch can be used to infer displacements in lieu of the high resolution local displacement sensor.
sub-10nm positioning:with a 22 bit rotary encoder mounted to the motor, a 1mm pitch ball screw gives ~238 picometers of linear resolution. noise of the sensor and tuning jitter bring the closed loop error to under 10nm linearly.
complete turnkey package:psylotech can provide a complete dic package, including an olympus bxfm boom-mounted microscope, correlated solutions vic2d software, a vibration isolation table and a 4 mp usb3.0 camera.
confocal raman microscope:psylotech’s µts has been integrated into a witec confocal raman microscope. the psylotest control software controls the microscope stage for specimen centering.
tension-torsion actuator:an extra motor is added to the fixed side of the load frame in addition to a force-torque load cell in order to facilitate axial and torsion loading.
特性 differentiation
the µts offers sophisticated motion control and a high degree of precision. it is a versatile instrument, enabling a broad variety of experimental techniques. designed for experimentalists, careful attention to details include:
dimensions in mm
ball screw
the µts incorporates a direct drive ball screw, rather than simple lead screws driven through a gearbox. the result is less friction, improved motion control and less maintenance. moreover, lead screw actuators are typically limited to a narrow range of speeds. psylotest control software
the µts control software is written in labview. it features test-segment specific digital filtering and integrated camera triggering, simplifying data and dic image coordination. advanced users have the option to modify the program to integrate external systems.
alternative lead screw systems are typically limited to a narrow range of speeds. the direct drive ballscrew covers 9 orders of magnitude in speed. it can move as fast as a macro sized servohydraulic load frame or as slow as grass growing on a hot summer’s day. high speed enables versatility for more types of testing, including:
-rate dependent studies
-step load tests, such as creep or stress relaxation
-effective load control
-fatigue centering stage
large deformations can cause a specific area of interest to exit the microscope’s field of view during an experiment. opposing left/right handed screws can mitigate this problem, but such a configuration exacerbates he centering problem for beam bending samples. also, what happens when the area of interest is not in the center of the sample?
the µts can be configured with a centering stage. the actuator of this secondary stage is slaved to the main system actuator such that any ratio of motion can be achieved. relative cross-head motion is not tied to 50/50, and even beam bending samples can be maintained within the field of view.
out-of-plane motion
in the µts, the fixed cross-head, t-slot grip adapter, and load cell are integrated into a single part cut from a solid block of 17-4. this integration contributes to quality in situ image capture under high microscope magnification. eliminating tolerance stack-up controls out-of-plane motion. the integration also greatly simplifies the system alignment procedure.
to further control out-of-plane motion, dual linear guides are symmetrically placed in the loading plane. any moments from frictional effects are balanced and do not contribute to pitch or yaw. previous designs placed linear guides below the loading plane, causing focus problems under high microscope magnification. load cell
the µts leverages proprietary psylotech technology with 400 mv/v sensitivity compared to 2 mv/v from strain gauged alternatives typically found in universal load frames. the increased sensitivity means about 100x higher resolution, enabling multiple force scale experiments. for example, the stock 1.6 kn load cell can be used on tests where one would normally use a 16 n load cell. advanced users could leverage this high sensitivity to enable new experiments, such as crack length from compliance or replacing acoustic sensors in composite tests.
displacement sensor
the µts monitors displacement on axis with the specimen. alternative systems implement off-axis measurements, such that small pitch or yaw inevitable in real-world experiments show up as false displacement readings. in certain cases, rotary position and pitch are also used to infer displacement.
with the high-resolution on-axis displacement sensor, psylotech has achieved better than 5 nm closed loop position control based on feedback from the cross-head displacement sensor. such control is possible from a large stroke ball-screw actuator, because the feedback sensor measures displacement downstream of the screw in the load train.
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更多了解µts测试系统请参阅 see more information: µts试验系统模块与应用说明
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配置说明 configuration
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技术溯源 about
the core motion control technologies for the µts were developed in an army research lab wmrd sbir. collaboration with prof. ioannis chasiotis at the university of illinois urbana-champaign was critical to that effort. the goal was to apply lessons learned by the chasiotis group, making them commercially accessible and more user-friendly. in the process, psylotech added its high resolution sensor technologies and developed a near-nano scale positioning ball screw actuator to create the µts.
in the rush to understanding the nano scale, six orders of magnitude in length scale were glossed over. the µts takes advantage of digital image correlation for local strain measurement on these “meso” length scales between 10 mm and 5 nm.


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